The I/O

BRP Instructions - Cancelling Membership


BRP Cloud – Cancel Subscription 

Member at THE I/O may at any time during a continuing agreement cancel the subscription. Monthly paid subscriptions by RCP have no mandatory period. Subscription is continuous and have a cancellation period of 1 month.   

Member who signed a prepaid subscription are not able to cancel it. Prepaid subscription has a duration of 12months and will automatically end after that.  

Member can cancel the membership personally at the site or via email. We always prefer to get the cancellation at the site or by email, however if a member calls the sites and want to cancel by phone, we can not deny the member to cancel by phone. 

Cancellation and freeze period can not be simultaneously active. If the member has an active freeze and then wants to cancel their membership, the freezing must be ended before the cancellation is performed. Always remember to check before doing the cancellation if the member has an active freeze.  

Check members profile under Message, Member, Finance, Invoices, to make sure everything is ok. If member did not set up the Card consent for RCP, we won´t be able to withdraw the notice period of the cancellation via RCP. Always ask member to pay notice period at the reception desk at the time of cancellation. Follow the routine  Create final invoice below. 


Cancel subscription: 

2. Scroll down to Subscription and click on the subscription to open it up 

3. Press Cancel subscription

End date is automatically set on 1 month cancellation period from the day you perform the cancellation (in this example I performed the cancellation on 08.10.2021). Do not change the end date if it is not the case that you are performing a cancellation several days after you received the cancellation from the member. 

Make sure the mail confirmation box is activated and ask the member about the reason of the cancellation and select the most appropriate alternative.

4. Ask member if he/she prefer to pay at the site for the 1-month cancellation period or if we should continue to debit member via monthly payment method (RCP).  

If member want to pay the 1-month notice period right away, activate the box Create final invoice and proceed to step nr 6 otherwise follow instructions under nr 5. 


If member wants to keep payment method RCP during notice period: 

5. Press Complete (see previous picture). Go to Tab: Messages and write a note that member have cancelled the membership, how it was done (on site, email or by phone), last workout day and last RCP-debit.

Create final invoice for notice period and take payment in advance: 

6. Make sure that the box: Create final Invoice is ticked and then go forward and press Next - Complete. This option should only be performed when member is at the reception desk and is willing to pay for the cancellation period in advance at the Reception Desk.

7. Go to Tab: Invoices, you can see that the invoice for the notice period have been created. See picture below marked with red. Check if member has other unpaid invoices – In case they do, all unpaid invoices should be paid at the Reception Desk. 

8. Select Take to Register (POS module need to be open)

9. Go to POS, check that the correct member been added in POS (if not search the correct         member), Select Pay Invoice. 

10. Press Search if invoice is not visible from start. Tick the box for the invoice/invoices to take forward and pay for and press Select.  

11. Proceed with the payment and let the member pay for the final invoice.

12. Go to the member profile and write a note that member have cancelled their membership and paid the remaining two months. Example: “Cancelled membership at gym 08.10.2021, last workout day 08.11.2021, paid cancellation period at gym /je 09.10.2021”


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