The I/O

BRP Instructions - Inventory of Membership Cards


It is requested from the accounting and finance department that all membership cards should be inventoried and kept track of. This is important to keep track of how many cards you have and if more need to be ordered.

 Make sure to sell the registration fee 0€ with these products/subscriptions:

  • RCP 130e
  • RCP 340e
  • 2 week offer
  • Sponsor


For the staff we will also have to do this, to deduct the card from the stock . Button: “membership card 0€ (staff, supplier, etc.)”.


Further instructions can be found in your shared One Drive folder called MEA.


Instruction for Inventory of membership cards in BRP for THE I/O:


  1. Go to Configuration  - Products
  2. Choose Type: Stock Item and search
  3. Click on product “New membership Card” to open up the product
  4. Go to tab: Stock
  5. Scroll down and go to the warehouses and click on THE I/O Marbella warehouse to open up.
  6. Click on Change number button to the right
  7. Choose Transactions type: Inventory
  8. Add the total amount of cards under New amount and click SAVE.


We would like the MEA to do the inventory of the cards once a week (Monday mornings before any transactions) from now on.

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